The primary objective of the Imag(in)ing London HGIS Project is to build a multi-dimensional historical GIS for exploring the social, economic, and morphological dimensions of urban environments from different eras.
The Imag(in)ing London HGIS project was started in 2004 in the HEAL Lab in the Department of Geography at The University of Western Ontario. Since 2014, the HESAL Lab at Michigan Tech has partnered with HEAL to continue to develop the Imag(in)ing London HGIS Datasets and is currently working to make them web accessible.
You can read more about Imag(in)ing London on the HEAL Lab's project website.
If you have questions about the data contact HESAL Director Don Lafreniere
Publications related to Imagining London
Trepal, D., Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. Historical Spatial-Data Infrastructures for Archaeology: Towards a Spatiotemporal Big-Data Approach to Studying the Postindustrial City. Historical Archaeology. DOI: 10.1007/s41636-020-00245-5
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Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. "Revisiting the Walking City: A Geospatial Examination of the Journey to Work" in Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, and Ferenc Gyuris eds., Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 85-112.
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Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2018. "Following Workers of the Industrial City across a Decade: Residential,Occupational, and Workplace Mobilities from 1881-1891" in Ian Gregory, Don Debats, and Don Lafreniere, eds., The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, 299-319.
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Van Allen, N., and Lafreniere, D. 2016. Rebuilding the Landscape of the Rural Post Office: A Geo-Spatial Analysis of 19th Century Postal Space and Networks. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, Vol. 3, no.1: 1-19
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Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2015. “All the World’s a Stage”: A GIS Framework for Recreating Personal Time-Space from Qualitative and Quantitative Sources. Transactions in GIS, Vol. 19, no. 2: 225-246.
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Novak, M., and Gilliland, J. 2011 Trading places: A historical geography of retailing in London, Canada. Social Science History Vol. 35, no. 4: 543-570.
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Hayek, M., Novak, M., Arku,G., and Gilliland, J. 2010. Mapping industrial legacies: Building a comprehensive brownfield database in geographic information systems. Planning Practice & Research Vol. 25, no. 4: 461-475.
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Novak, M, and Gilliland, J. 2009. ‘Buried Beneath the Waves’: Using GIS to Examine the Physical and Social Impact of a Historical Flood. Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, Vol. 1, no. 2.
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Gilliland, J., and Novak, M. 2006. Positioning the past with the present: The use of fire insurance plans and GIS for urban environmental history. Environmental History, Vol. 11, 1, no. 1: 136.
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The Imag(in)ing London HGIS project was started in 2004 in the HEAL Lab in the Department of Geography at The University of Western Ontario. Since 2014, the HESAL Lab at Michigan Tech has partnered with HEAL to continue to develop the Imag(in)ing London HGIS Datasets and is currently working to make them web accessible.
You can read more about Imag(in)ing London on the HEAL Lab's project website.
If you have questions about the data contact HESAL Director Don Lafreniere
Publications related to Imagining London
Trepal, D., Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. Historical Spatial-Data Infrastructures for Archaeology: Towards a Spatiotemporal Big-Data Approach to Studying the Postindustrial City. Historical Archaeology. DOI: 10.1007/s41636-020-00245-5
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Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. "Revisiting the Walking City: A Geospatial Examination of the Journey to Work" in Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, and Ferenc Gyuris eds., Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 85-112.
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Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2018. "Following Workers of the Industrial City across a Decade: Residential,Occupational, and Workplace Mobilities from 1881-1891" in Ian Gregory, Don Debats, and Don Lafreniere, eds., The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, 299-319.
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Van Allen, N., and Lafreniere, D. 2016. Rebuilding the Landscape of the Rural Post Office: A Geo-Spatial Analysis of 19th Century Postal Space and Networks. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, Vol. 3, no.1: 1-19
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Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2015. “All the World’s a Stage”: A GIS Framework for Recreating Personal Time-Space from Qualitative and Quantitative Sources. Transactions in GIS, Vol. 19, no. 2: 225-246.
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Novak, M., and Gilliland, J. 2011 Trading places: A historical geography of retailing in London, Canada. Social Science History Vol. 35, no. 4: 543-570.
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Hayek, M., Novak, M., Arku,G., and Gilliland, J. 2010. Mapping industrial legacies: Building a comprehensive brownfield database in geographic information systems. Planning Practice & Research Vol. 25, no. 4: 461-475.
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Novak, M, and Gilliland, J. 2009. ‘Buried Beneath the Waves’: Using GIS to Examine the Physical and Social Impact of a Historical Flood. Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, Vol. 1, no. 2.
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Gilliland, J., and Novak, M. 2006. Positioning the past with the present: The use of fire insurance plans and GIS for urban environmental history. Environmental History, Vol. 11, 1, no. 1: 136.
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